Wellness Blog

Pathways to Wellness: Integrating Physical Therapy for a Healthier Life

Written by Dr. Nicki Evans

Pathways to Wellness: Integrating Physical Therapy for a Healthier Life

With the demands of work, personal commitments, and family responsibilities, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. In a 24-hour day, it can be challenging to find the time and energy to do everything we need and want to do. Unfortunately, when life gets busy, our health and wellness often take a back seat. While it's non-negotiable to work and provide for our basic needs, it's crucial not to neglect our well-being in the process. However, self-care is something that can easily be forgotten or overlooked.

Sitting for extended periods of time is a common occurrence, especially for individuals with desk jobs or those who frequently travel, such as truck drivers. Unfortunately, prolonged sitting can have detrimental effects on our bodies. One of the main issues is the development of poor postural awareness, which can lead to muscle weakness and imbalances. You may have witnessed individuals with a forward head posture or a hump in their upper-mid back, and these conditions are often a result of prolonged sitting and poor postural habits. Additionally, the lack of strength in the upper back can contribute to decreased postural stability. To address these concerns, I recommend certain strategies to my clients. One effective technique is using a pool noodle, preferably a thicker one, to provide support for the lower back. Placing the noodle horizontally in the curve of the lower back can help maintain proper alignment and alleviate strain. Alternatively, you can position the noodle vertically along the spine in the mid back region to provide additional support and promote better posture.

Losing sight of fitness can easily become a downward spiral, especially when trying to balance work and family life. Many of us find ourselves saying, "I'll start tomorrow" or "I'll start on Monday," only to realize weeks, months, or even years have passed without focusing on our own fitness journey. Restarting our fitness journey can be challenging, whether it's due to lack of time, motivation, or simply not knowing where or how to begin.

As a Physical Therapist and Wellness expert, I often share simple tricks with my clients to help them get back on track. One effective technique is waking up just 10 minutes earlier each day to work on a stretching or mobility routine. By dedicating this small amount of time, individuals can begin to improve flexibility and overall physical well-being.

Another strategy involves selecting 2-3 exercises for each body part, allowing for a well-rounded workout routine. For example, while brushing your teeth, you can incorporate heel/toe raises or practice your balance by standing on one leg. These small but impactful exercises can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine.

A final trick I recommend is choosing one exercise that you enjoy, such as walking, squats, bicep curls, or planks, and performing it for a specific number of repetitions or a set amount of time. Aim to do this exercise 4 times a day - in the morning, during lunch, at dinner, and before bed. This consistent practice will help boost your fitness levels and make it easier to stay disciplined.

By incorporating these simple yet effective strategies into your daily life, you can reignite your fitness journey and prioritize your well-being. Remember, even small steps can lead to significant progress over time. When incorporating shorter duration movements into your routine, they can accumulate and contribute to getting you back on track with your fitness goals. If you're unsure about where to begin, there are various resources available. Start by identifying the type of activity or routine that you find enjoyable. It's crucial to engage in activities that you find fun since it increases the likelihood of sticking with them. If you're new to fitness or exercise, it may be beneficial to consult with a physical therapist who can assess any imbalances and help mitigate the risk of injuries when starting a new routine. Alternatively, if you've previously followed a fitness routine but need additional motivation, consider joining a group fitness class or hiring a personal trainer. 

These options can provide the accountability and support you need to stay on track. Always remember that incorporating small, enjoyable activities into your daily routine will gradually improve your mobility and keep you active. If you're ready to embark on your fitness journey, don't hesitate to reach out to Stride Physical Therapy and Wellness. They can provide the guidance and assistance you need to get started.

Published: June 25, 2024